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Civil Litigation

Civil Litigation Solicitors in North London

Civil Litigation Solicitors North London


Civil litigation is the process of resolving a legal dispute between two or more parties (individuals or business entities) who seek compensation (in the form of money) for damages incurred or activities, obligations or performances that were not delivered. Litigation covers a very wide range of areas. The processes in litigation are similar, however specific areas have its nuances and specific requirements.


It is aways important to have the right Solicitors representing you due to complexities of litigation. The wrong approach or incorrect understanding of the issues at hand, the process or actions require, can have very costly and dire consequences.


Civil litigation does not have to be a lengthy and time-consuming exercise. In any litigation process, we always aim to represent our client’s best interest. At Solomon Shepherd Solicitors Ltd we are able to provide you with a friendly and proactive approach to your problems, exploring every avenue with the aim of resolving the problem as quickly and cost effectively as possible.


When defending a matter, it is important to have solicitors who will find a resolution at the earliest and shortest period possible, minimising the cost and also ensuring that ‘victory’ is delivered. Failure to adhere timelines can prove very costly and it is necessary to have civil litigation lawyers who comprehend the process.


If pursuing a claim, it is not just enough just to have a case. How the case is litigated, complying with court directions and trying to obtain the best settlement is material. If issuing a claim and going to Court becomes unavoidable, we have the expertise to prepare your case to your best advantage and arrange for your representation at Court. We also work with Barristers who have expertise and are specialists in specific areas and who provide ongoing support throughout the claim and can represent you in court.

If you think you may have a claim, or you are involved in a dispute that must be resolved, then why delay. Consult our Civil Litigation Solicitors to find out your position and be advised of the best course of action open to you.

Need help with any kind of legal issues? Contact us now.